kings cup drinking game

Kings Cup aka Ring of Fire

Kings Cup, also known as Ring of Fire, is a staple in the world of drinking games, beloved for its simplicity, versatility, and ability to break the ice at gatherings, parties, and social events. This game combines luck, skill, and a bit of social strategy, making it an engaging activity that can bring a group…

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beer pong drinking game

Beer Pong

Game Name: Beer PongNeeded Tools: 2 Ping Pong Ball, 6-8 Foot Table, & 14 Plastic Cups Beer Pong is one of the best games ever played. You will have 2 teams of 2 people for doubles or 1 persons per team for singles. Redundant I know but I have to explain the rules. Setup: You will…

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asshole drinking game


Game Name: AssholeNeeded Tools: Deck of Cards The first hand dealt determines the “Presidential Order”  The initial dealer is picked by who is youngest.  The dealer will then deal out all cards. The person to the left of the dealer plays first The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards first.  To start the…

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bullshit drinking game


Game Name: BullshitNeeded Tools: Deck of CardsLearned: State College, PA (Penn State University) Bullshit should have 3 to 6 players.  All players will sit in a circle, the dealer will dea out the entire deck to all players.  The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards. Starting with aces, the first…

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